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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Okay, so I just had that mega disturbing experience where you see a big jungle spider and smash it with a flip flop only to watch it burst into a gazillion tiny jungle spiders! But the fact that I was even willing to get close enough to smash it shows I'm making progress.
I attempted a spaghetti today for lunch (their biggest meal) and it kinda looked like spaghetti... While cooking I've been making this list in my head of things I'd definitely want to bring along with me if we returned to Shell:
- can opener
- vegetable peeler
- strainer (the flat one that fits over pans)
- a good knife
I think these things alone would make my life oodles easier right now. And then there's the list of things I'd love to have, but really just reveal the fact that I'm a spoiled Westerner:
- my dishwasher
- my garbage disposal
- consistent electricity (the power goes out every day)
- the Orkin Man
I'll keep adding to these lists as the days progress!
On a not-so-shallow note, Chase was on call last night and is still up at the hospital! He's got to be pooped. He was telling me a story yesterday about a British woman that came in and said "A monkey bit me." But Chase mimicking her accent and facial expression was pretty funny. So note to self - don't play with the monkeys! Chase took us for a tour of the hospital on Sunday afternoon and I was impressed with the facility. It's not very big, as you an see from the pictures earlier, but they're pretty well equipped. I'm not sure that pictures would really mean much to anyone, so just imagine an older-looking hospital in South America and you've pretty much got it :)
Anna had fun at the preschool today, and Evie enjoyed the attention she received from the other kiddos. Anna's really going to love school! She was especially excited because she was allowed to use scissors, which I had not yet been brave enough to give her. You can see her joy!This past weekend the Hardins hosted the line dancing lessons, and it was a lot of fun. If I get to those images I'll add a couple to the blog. It was a great chance for us to meet a lot of the missionary community here! I got to talk with several of the pilots that work with MAF (Chase commented today that it sounds like WWII around here because planes are always overhead), and also met many of the teachers that work at the Nate Saint school. We toured the school yesterday morning during their weekly chapel. It would be fun to teach a class of 5!
Seeing all of the hustle and bustle makes me realize how much effort goes into simply surviving and thriving down here. I really haven't seen missions from a long-term perspective before, let alone a family one. When we've gone on week-long medical or construction trips, that's all we did! And it felt much more "productive." In my eyes, I had something to show for my time there. These past few days have been completely different, and I can feel the inward struggle. Chase is getting lots of interaction with the Ecuadorian folks and is doing great work for the community, but I don't often feel the same way. I'm seeing the reality of long-term work, the not-so-glamorous ins and outs of daily living. I'm thankful because this is what I asked for, but it's also a challenge to my adventure-seeking self!
Posted byJennifer Thebault at 12:16 PM
Labels: Ecuador
So good to read about your adventures! I hate spiders and bugs, so I'm just absolutely impressed at how you're handling it!
Your pictures are beautiful!
We're praying for you guys!
All I have to say is "Ewwwwww." Just checked on your pad here, it's delightfully spider-free.
Hey Jen! I can't believe how much Anna looks like you in that picture! Will you please post some pics of your home?! I want to see this kitchen you are cooking in :) Love you! Kris