Hello and welcome to the photo blog of A Captured Life Photography! We're based in Waco, TX and we shoot weddings, families, kids, seniors, and any other random thing you can think of. This blog serves as a journal for our professional work, personal imagery, family pictures, and travels. ENJOY! And if you like what you see here, feel free to leave us a comment :)

If you're looking for our online portfolios, you can find them on the website.
Our prices - very reasonable. Our mission - to make SCHWEET photography available to everyone!

If you are interested in being the next entry on the blog, send an email or fill out the contact form on the website. We look forward to meeting you!

Cute MKs

I did my first photo shoot yesterday - individual shots of the Shell Christian Preschool - what a bunch of cuties! Anna got to play with them while I was working, and she thought that was just wonderful. The preschool meets at the pavilion next to our house, which is quite convenient! She's going to join them the rest of our time here, and Evie and I will help out and get some ideas of how to incorporate more learning into our time at home (one of my goals for the trip).

On a side note, I found out that few Ecuadorian families here have pictures in their homes. Cameras are expensive, and there aren't even places to get film developed! I guess even the printing in Quito is schnasty. It got me thinking about the possibilities down here of offering photo classes and making prints available to everyone... It would be a neat ministry, don't you think?

I'm giving my first photo tutorial this afternoon, which will be fun. A friend of the Hardins' is taking pictures at her cousin's wedding and would like some pointers. I might even help her shoot the wedding, which would be awesome! It would be so cool to see a wedding down here. I'll know more after our mini lesson today!

In the meantime, check out these sweet faces...

Posted byJennifer Thebault at 4:56 AM  


Rebecca said... March 11, 2008 at 6:03 PM  

Hi Jenny (Brooklyn's dad here) great job on the pics...thanks a lot for doing that...it means a lot!

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