Hello and welcome to the photo blog of A Captured Life Photography! We're based in Waco, TX and we shoot weddings, families, kids, seniors, and any other random thing you can think of. This blog serves as a journal for our professional work, personal imagery, family pictures, and travels. ENJOY! And if you like what you see here, feel free to leave us a comment :)

If you're looking for our online portfolios, you can find them on the website.
Our prices - very reasonable. Our mission - to make SCHWEET photography available to everyone!

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Ins and Outs

Slowly but surely we're getting life figured out down here. Yesterday was the first time I really thought to myself "I could do this." Of course, today I had a cold shower again and yet another photo shoot was rained out, so I'm reminded not to get too over-confident in my ability to master things quite yet! But we are certainly making progress: we have an idea of where to go to eat that's safe, I've located ingredients for some basic meals, we've figured out where to get produce that looks eatable, and the Spanish is coming along nicely. I was even able to spend some time the last two days with Ecuadorians! This is a big feat when you live among a bunch of North Americans.

And my first photo lessons with Eugenia went well! She came with her sister Yadira when we did some family pictures so she could watch and learn a little. I'll post some of those pictures soon. We all sat and chatted for a while after the shoot, and Eugenia came back yesterday morning to talk shop a bit more. It's one thing to converse in Spanish, and it's quite another to explain how aperatures and shutter speeds work! But we had a great time and I'm glad to have made a new friend here. The wedding is definitely on for next weekend! Eugenia is going to pick me up Friday night so we can get some practice shots in during the rehearsal, and then the wedding ceremony will be Saturday morning. Truthfully, Eugenia's got a great eye and probably won't need my help, but how could I pass this up? I'm excited to see all the behind-the-scene happenings of an Ecuadorian wedding.

The longer I sit here, the more I have to say! I've had the chance to talk with several of the missionary families here, many of whom are with MAF and fly back and forth from the jungle. It's been great to hear of their experiences and what life is like down here. My struggles with being a mom on the field are pretty common, which is comforting. They also verified my observation that it's hard to interact with Ecuadorians when you live among a bunch of gringos! They went on to say that the folks in Shell are used to US families coming in going, and are hesitant to open their hearts to you because they assume you'll only be here a few years. Makes sense, but it's sad too. A few years sounds like a LONG time to me, but it isn't long to someone who was born and will die in this little town! I'm not sure how I feel about spending the rest of my life in one place out on the field, but as Wendy M says, "I'm thoughtful about that today." :

Posted byJennifer Thebault at 11:14 AM  


Bethgun said... March 13, 2008 at 5:57 PM  

You know if I were there I'd totally hold your camera bag at the wedding. I am determined to tag along SOMETIME soon...

Here - I'll translate some common photography terms for you:
F-stop = Efe-stopo
Shutterspeed = Cámera Goa Clicka Clicka
Fast Shutterspeed = Rápido Clicka Clicka
Flash = Flash
Everyone smile for the camera = Queso!

Hope the glossary is helpful...let me know if you need further interpretation assistance.

Jennifer Thebault said... March 14, 2008 at 5:19 AM  

You're hilarious!

Anonymous said... March 14, 2008 at 10:57 AM  

work it out mama! you guys look awesome. the fa-reeks.

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