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Busy Weekend!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Alright, personal stuff first...
Evie's fever seems to be gone, which is great. We had Anna's ankle X-rayed this morning and it seems to be okay too! She's running around pretty well again, but is sad that I will no longer let her wear those platform flip flops (the main reason she turned her ankle in the first place).
Chase's weekend of call has been crazy, but not horrible. We'll see if it deserves another dictation! He was able to get away this afternoon so we could have lunch with Arthur and Frances. We did a shoot after lunch, so you can even put faces with names:And here's the only child that's with them here in Shell:
I think it's the first time someone's asked me to take a picture of a pet, but it won't be the last! I couldn't get too close before I was pounced on, so I wasn't able to get a close-up of the nose. I love those :)
Anyways, we had lunch with Arthur and Frances and got to hear about their past 5 years here in Ecuador. Their term is up this summer and they'll be heading back to the States. Frances jumped on me when she heard that I was not only a teacher, but had my MA TESOL degree! She told me about their plans to make Shell a place where Ecuadorian missionaries are trained and sent out. As the Ecuadorian families come, their kids will need schools, and there will be an increase in need for ESL teachers. I go back and forth whether or not I'd want to teach if we end up on the field, but I guess it would be silly not to if there's a need. We'll see what happens!
Frances also said that they had a lot of tarantulas in their house when they first arrived. I know, I'm off on the issue of bugs again. I have seriously been LOOKING for tarantulas and haven't seen one yet! She also said they saw a boa in their back yard, and there was a monkey family living in their trees. Makes my big roach story seem pretty lame :)
Oh, and good news! My techie problems seem to have been solved. Kieth is the computer wiz around here, and after his family's photo shoot yesterday he helped me with my uploading issues. Here's his family:
I hadn't done a lot of family shoots before coming here, but man am I getting caught up! And I still have about 5 to go. They are all whirlwind sessions because Anna is dancing around and ends up in half of the pictures, and Evie is either crawling around in the grass or sitting in the stroller making all kinds of noises to let me know she'd rather be crawling around in the grass. Today I had a bit more back-up because Chase was there - here's what Chase and Evie were up to while Anna and I were on the job. They were both trying to catch a nap in the hammock. The picture looks hazy and 70s or something - it was shot through a screen door. There's no sneaking up on this sleeping baby!
And then there was Anna crawling around the "Auca Hut" where we were shooting - she thinks she's a monkey.So, all in all it's been a good weekend. Well, at least we survived it! On to week three...
Posted byJennifer Thebault at 7:00 PM
Love the photo shoot pics. How does the lighting compare there? I was thinking the altitude might affect it.