If you're looking for our online portfolios, you can find them on the website. Our prices - very reasonable. Our mission - to make SCHWEET photography available to everyone!
If you are interested in being the next entry on the blog, send an email or fill out the contact form on the website. We look forward to meeting you!
All is well!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Just a quite note to assure you that no news is good news. We've been insanely busy, but we're having a great time. Chase has seen some neat cases in the hospital - he came home from lunch yesterday and told me to grab the camera so Evie and I took off while Anna was napping and snapped a few shots of a girl with a rare muscle disease. You FHC folks will likely see those pictures next month! Chase is on call again today and made it home in time to eat two empanadas before heading out with another page. The hospital is a quick walk, which is convenient for days such as this.
I've been doing a shoot a day, which is far more than I'm used to working. I have little time to process the pictures, and VERY little hard drive space! It's madness, but we're making it work. Here's proof:Chad & Andi are here with MAF - Chad is a pilot. They've got the cutest kids!
It has been such fun getting to know the families here. I haven't gotten to spend a whole lot of time with Ecuadorians (but Chase has!) but I'm learning a lot from folks that have been here for years. They've got such stories! And they have amazing hearts for the people and God's work here. It's cool to see so many families come together to serve here.
Oh, and a fun story! Chase and I had dinner in town when we first got here, and we met Joselo. He owns the store and is a really nice guy. We were in town again yesterday and the kids were eating ice cream from Joselo's store. I took some pictures of Anna covered in red popsicle, and Joselo brought out his grandson and asked if I'd take pictures of him too! I haven't posted those yet, but I'll add one here when they're finished. Photography has been my biggest asset here, and the greatest way to connect with people! Joselo and I even talked business a bit and I asked him what he'd think of me opening a studio. How fun would that be? I'm really looking forward to photographing the wedding on Saturday.
Posted byJennifer Thebault at 6:22 PM
What you are doing by taking the Missionary families pictures is wonderful. They are great pictures. You are right the Irwin kids are the cutest kids! (they are my niece & nephew). Keep up the good work!
Can't wait to see the popsicle pics.