If you're looking for our online portfolios, you can find them on the website. Our prices - very reasonable. Our mission - to make SCHWEET photography available to everyone!
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A busy month!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
When you start a business, you always wonder how long it will take for things to get busy. Man, oh man! The past two months have been crazy, but so much fun. I've got a bunch of weddings to look forward to this year, and a constant flow of portrait sessions. I'm trying to keep the blog updated, but it's hard to keep up! And I noticed that I haven't posted any images of the ladies in quite some time. SO, I'm taking a break from business to show you just how cute my cuties are :)
We were painting some Mother's Day cards this morning, and I got some pictures of Anna hard at work. I thought about giving Evie a paint brush... but decided not to since she would have probably just eaten it.
Evie discovered my "studio lighting" and was going after the Pocket Wizard! Hopefully she didn't suffer any permanent eye damage from looking at the flash. YIKES that thing is BRIGHT!
I've decided to forgo the butterfly icon for now - but it's not gone for long :)
Happy Mother's Day!
Posted byJennifer Thebault at 8:21 AM
Maybe you could use a semi-transparent version of the butterfly as a watermark? Wouldn't be a bad idea to protect your photos, just in case.
The sepia-toned eyelash pic is amazing!