Hello and welcome to the photo blog of A Captured Life Photography! We're based in Waco, TX and we shoot weddings, families, kids, seniors, and any other random thing you can think of. This blog serves as a journal for our professional work, personal imagery, family pictures, and travels. ENJOY! And if you like what you see here, feel free to leave us a comment :)

If you're looking for our online portfolios, you can find them on the website.
Our prices - very reasonable. Our mission - to make SCHWEET photography available to everyone!

If you are interested in being the next entry on the blog, send an email or fill out the contact form on the website. We look forward to meeting you!

We're home! Whew!

Oh my. Chase and I were up at 3:30am yesterday morning and pulled up into our driveway at 11pm last night. We are pooped! But we are home. It was SCHWEET to sleep in my own bed again last night! And it didn't smell moldy! (thinks mold like crazy in the jungle because of the insane humidity - the walls in most of our rooms had mold on them, as did some of our clothes as I was unpacking today). I was thankful to see carpet again, and Evie is delighted in our play room! She's pulling up on things, and is currently standing on her toes at the Leap Frog table toy. Anna is trying to play with everything at once, and has her little shopping cart overflowing with all of her favorite things. It's good to be home.

I'm also geeked because my new camera and lens came about an hour ago! It's so heavy that I'm going to start lifting weights so I can carry it :)

When we've unpacked, reconstructed our currently toy-ransacked house, and caught up on sleep a bit, I'll post more of our trip pictures. Stay tuned!

Posted byJennifer Thebault at 5:58 AM  


Crisanne said... April 1, 2008 at 4:38 PM  

Glad to see you made it back safely! It's been so much fun keeping up with you guys more regularly through the blog.

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