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We're in Ecuador!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I've already spent hours trying to get a few pictures edited, but am having a lot of trouble (foreign country, foreign computer, you name it!) Here are a few from today.
Here are the girls playing on the swing set. It's located in the middle of the missionary compound. It's a beautiful day and they were enjoying the sunshine!Here's a look at the mountains from the door of our house. You can also see the hospital in the distance to the left. Chase has a 5-minute walk to work, and is able to come home for lunch every day! We're seeing more of him than we did in medical school. It's wonderful.
If you've seen anything about the hospital in Shell, you've probably seen this bridge. It crosses over a river, and while on it you can see the tops of trees! I was more than a little nervous on it, but Anna wanted to run across! Crazy girl. She's loving all of the opportunities to explore. I'll take more pictures from the bridge when I get more confident that I won't drop my camera!
Inserting pictures in the blog is a real hassle from here. I think I'll give updates this way and then direct you to the gallery to see more images. To find the Ecuador gallery,
- go to www.acapturedlife.com
- click on "client proofs"
- click on the gallery called "Ecuador"
Posted byJennifer Thebault at 12:51 PM
Labels: personal
My stomach did flip-flops just looking at the PICTURE of that bridge...
That is an awesome shot of Anna on that bridge. Just gorgeous!
Keep them coming, Patricia