Hello and welcome to the photo blog of A Captured Life Photography! We're based in Waco, TX and we shoot weddings, families, kids, seniors, and any other random thing you can think of. This blog serves as a journal for our professional work, personal imagery, family pictures, and travels. ENJOY! And if you like what you see here, feel free to leave us a comment :)

If you're looking for our online portfolios, you can find them on the website.
Our prices - very reasonable. Our mission - to make SCHWEET photography available to everyone!

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One Week Down!

We've been here a week today - wow! We've been sick half of it, so it has definitely gone by fast so far, but I think we're getting the hang of things. We've had most of those "firsts" by now, and it's hard to imagine anything more that could shock us. Famous last words! Here's a summary of the last few days...

- BUGS. Don't know for sure how many Evie has eaten. Anna likes to look for roaches (most outside on the porch, thank goodness.
- BUG BITES. My calf started cramping after I was bitten by something on the back of my ankle. Looks like it's nothing serious, and maybe not even related. I can count at least three different types of bites on my lower legs right now. The girls seem to be doing okay though.
- FOOD. I think the most challenging part of living in a new place is the food, no matter where you travel. The bar raises quite a bit when you actually have to PREPARE the food too - and do it for an entire family, including a baby just getting off baby food (which is not really available here anyway) and a picky 2-year-old! We were thankful to find Nutella :) We will survive!
- GROCERY SHOPPING. This is Anna's favorite thing. The stores are really tiny (think any Latin American place you've ever been) and everything is wrapped in shiny foil-like packaging. It all looks like candy! She's Miss Grabby Grabberton and goes nuts... and of course finds all of the candy too, even though it's candy we've never seen before. We went to the butcher yesterday, and it was classic - whole plucked chickens sitting in a pile on the counter, and bags of hooves (I think?) right next to them. Oh my. I was excited that you can pay a little more to have them de-bone the chicken for you!
- CLEANING, and CLEANING, and CLEANING... The ants continue to bombard our door, even when I wash the floor on my knees. It's no use. I see them carrying off crumbs and have no idea where they are finding them! Then again, I have no idea where Anna could be stashing goodies either.
- HOSPITAL WORK. Chase delivered his first Ecuadorian baby! He was on call for the first time last night and was up almost the whole time. He's still sleeping now, and it's 3:30pm here (same as Michigan, by the way). He's getting to do procedures that most family docs in the US would rarely if ever do, and he's enjoying that. He also feels like his residency program has provided him with excellent training, which we are thankful for!

Oh, Chase is up! A few words from him...
Last night was my first "turno". Turns out I have the Ecuadorian "espalda mala" which translated means "bad back" and which means "black cloud" while on call. We had 5 admissions throughout the day and enough ER visits to keep me from sleeping more than 2.5 hours. Felt like the same schedule as in Waco. The difference is that we cover medicine, pediatrics, and OB, as well as surgical evaluation. I'm basically an ER doc, but then we don't just admit them - we take care of them too. It's madness... but it's FUN!

- PHONE CALLS HOME. I got to talk to my mom yesterday! Our phone was broken and it always takes a long time to get through, but it was nice to finally hear from home. This isn't really the phone I used... :)
- PICTURES. I headed out with the girls again this morning because the mountains were showing through the clouds and you could see the one that's covered with snow! On REALLY clear days you can also see one near us that is an active volcano and is smoking. Haven't seen that yet. I feel a little silly out there with the girls and my massive camera, especially when there is so little money in the city, so I'm trying to be sensitive and safe. I stick around the compound when it's just us ladies, and hope to get more shots down town when Chase is with us.

Here's a shot of the ladies this morning doubled up in the stroller.

- NEW FRIENDS. We've met several of the missionary families here, and will meet many more tonight as Dr. Mike is giving everyone line dancing lessons! Should be a great time. Anna loves playing with all of the children here. It's great to have them just outside your door!
- NEW FEARS. The other night I heard a noise outside our bedroom window and was reminded that I AM in a foreign country and could be in danger. We feel safe most of the time, so it's easy to forget. This is a trial period for us, after all... could we do this? Is God calling us to this? And what if God is calling us to a place that is REALLY hostile? I started to cry when I thought about my girls. I don't know if I'm ready, but I want to be. Jesus is my pearl. He's GOT to be.

Please continue to pray for us! We have so much to learn. Sometimes I feel cooped up in this house, in another country but stuck doing the same mundane things I did at home in the US. I need a clear perspective and an open heart.

Please check out the gallery! I'm adding pictures all the time!

And PLEASE leave a comment once in a while! It will let me know that people are reading :)

Posted byJennifer Thebault at 12:15 PM  


Jason said... March 10, 2008 at 7:59 AM  

I love all these pictures of the girls in a foreign land. Yesterday at church we talked about the promise to Abraham (In Genesis 12 & 15) being for all the nations to be blessed, and we are delighted to know that the Thebaults are being that blessing. Jacob, Holly, and I are praying for you every day. By the way, Jacob has been taking Spanish lessons and is excited to get to talk with Anna in her new tongue. Love you guys.

Anonymous said... March 11, 2008 at 10:26 AM  

hi guys! we're praying for you like crazy and are LOVING all the updates and photos! praise God that your hearts are open to what He has in store for your lives...please pray the same for us as we continue to labor in DC. it is a tough place spiritually: God is growing us leaps and bounds, but not w/o heartache. we miss you dearly, as always. but i am heartened to learn that you have NUTELLA. the Lord provides, Amen?! now i don't feel so bad introducing that glorious substance to Susanna at such a young age...it was all in preparation for her ministry. :)
latah~ kie

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