Hello and welcome to the photo blog of A Captured Life Photography! We're based in Waco, TX and we shoot weddings, families, kids, seniors, and any other random thing you can think of. This blog serves as a journal for our professional work, personal imagery, family pictures, and travels. ENJOY! And if you like what you see here, feel free to leave us a comment :)

If you're looking for our online portfolios, you can find them on the website.
Our prices - very reasonable. Our mission - to make SCHWEET photography available to everyone!

If you are interested in being the next entry on the blog, send an email or fill out the contact form on the website. We look forward to meeting you!

Foiled Photo Shoot

We tried to get up early and do a photo shoot with our friend Beth (or Beff, as Anna pronounces it!) but it was COLD at the park! Anna's little nose was almost instantly red - if you look closely you can see some "snots."

We ended up leaving and visiting Reta at Family Counseling instead, which is always a treat. Here's Beff trying to keep Evie warm.

We aren't easily swayed though! While Anna was napping Evie and I took a few pictures. I'm still working to capture her pretty blue eyes.

We're also working on rolling! Evelyn is 5.5 months old and still not really rolling - time for baby boot camp! The mirror helped entertain her during tummy time. Lots of smiles, but no rolls (the rolls on her legs don't count).

Posted byJennifer Thebault at 11:18 AM  


Shells said... November 9, 2007 at 5:52 PM  

Jen - skills! You got skills! Those pix look great. Those eyes look beautiful & I love the shot with the mirror! Keep up the good work!

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